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Matrices > Unicellular eukaryotes


Gennari, V., Cherin, M, and Rettori, R., 2018. Systematic revision and phylogenetic assessment of the foraminiferal family Globivalvulinidae. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 63, 807-814.
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Norris, R. D., 1996. Symbiosis as an evolutionary innovation in the radiation of Paleocene planktic Foraminifera. Paleobiology, 22, 461-480.
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MacLeod, N., 1993. The Maastrichtian-Danian radiation of triserial and biserial planktic Foraminifera: testing phylogenetic and adaptational hypotheses in the (micro)fossil record. Marine Micropaleontology, 21, 47-100.
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Lipscomb, D. L., 1989. Relationships among the eukaryotes. In B. Fernholm, K. Bremer, L. Brundin, H. Jornvall, L. Rutberg and H.-E. Wanntorp (eds.) The Hierarchy of Life: Molecules and Morphology in Phylogenetic Analysis. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, p161-180.
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Lipscomb, D. L., 1985. The eukaryotic kingdom. Cladistics, 1, 127-140.
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Last updated 6th April 2011.